Targeting the Word Count of Your Novel

Targeting the Word Count of Your Novel

Every novel that belongs to a specific genre and subgenre should have an appropriate word count. You as the novel writer should have an estimate of this word count before starting writing your fiction.

When you have started your journey of writing a novel, one crucial aspect to consider is the word count. We discussed about selecting a category or subcategory for your fiction, or genre or subgenre of your novel in a previous post. Now that you have selected the category and subcategory of your novel, it is the right time for thinking and targeting the right word count for your novel. Each genre and subgenre has its own expectations, and rules, and understanding these can help you align your work with industry standards and reader expectations. This will help you in marketing your novel to a publisher or selling them on self-publish platforms.


Why Word Count Matters

Word count is more than just a number; it’s a guideline that helps shape the pacing, structure, and marketability of your novel. Knowing the typical word count for your genre can help you plan your writing process and ensure your novel fits within the expectations of publishers and readers.

Some categories have strict guidelines for novels to be published in these categories. Ignoring these standards may make your book unappealing for publishers and readers. It is wise to target a suitable word count for your novel before starting the writing process. It needs not be an exact number, but you should have a good estimate.

General Guidelines for Adult Novels

For adult novels, the word count typically ranges from 60,000 to 120,000 words. An average-length novel falls between 80,000 to 100,000 words. While these ranges are broad, they provide a useful framework. However, some genres have more specific requirements:

  • Romance Novels: Often have strict word-count requirements, especially for specialized lines. These can range from 50,000 to 90,000 words. If you’re targeting a particular publisher, check their guidelines to ensure your manuscript meets their criteria.

  • Mystery and Science Fiction: These genres also have specific word-count expectations, often between 70,000 to 100,000 words. Again, it’s essential to check with the publisher if you’re aiming for a particular line.

Children’s and Young Adult Novels

Children’s novels are generally shorter than adult novels. Young adult (YA) novels typically range from 55,000 to 70,000 words, though they can be longer in exceptional cases. For instance, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a notable exception, with a word count of 255,000 words. If your writing is of similar quality and scope, you have the liberty to extend your word count, but in other cases it is better to adhere to the standards of the category.

Estimating Word Count

A practical way to estimate the appropriate word count for your novel is to examine a few pages of popular novels in your chosen genre. This can give you a sense of the pacing and structure that readers expect. If you have an electronic version of the book it is much easier to find out the word count. Asking an AI chatbot also can help you in this matter. If no other options is available, count words in a few lines of a page and estimate the total count considering the total pages of the novel.


Understanding and targeting the right word count for your novel is a vital step in the writing process of a fiction story. It helps ensure your story is well-paced and marketable, aligning with both publisher guidelines and reader expectations. So, before you dive into writing, take the time to research and plan your word count accordingly.


1: The Novelry

2: Story Planner

3: Prose Analyzer

4: Reedsy

5: Writer’s Digest

6: Authority Pub