
Set the stage for your fiction: building story world
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Set the stage for your fiction: building story world

By admin on August 30, 2024

The story world, or setting, is the one of the important elements upon which a novel is built. It's more than just a backdrop; it's a living, breathing entity that shapes characters, drives plot, and evokes emotions. A well-crafted setting immerses readers in a fully realized world, providing a rich …

Conflict in Changing World Makes a greater story
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Conflict in Changing World Makes a greater story

By admin on August 30, 2024

Conflict is the lifeblood of storytelling. In a world undergoing rapid transformation, the potential for rich, complex narratives is unprecedented. By thrusting characters into the heart of upheaval, writers can craft compelling tales that resonate with audiences on a profound level. From personal struggles against societal shifts to epic battles …

Products of Novel Writing Project
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Products of Novel Writing Project

By admin on August 30, 2024

Writing a novel is a lengthy and complicated process that requires careful planning and management, much like any other complex, long-term project. To navigate this journey successfully, it’s beneficial for writers to think of their novel as a project with clear deliverables. Understanding what you aim to produce by the …